Can we actually make a mistake towards our self or somebody without feeling a remorse. I just wonder is making a mistake is the end of the road?... God always said his merciful and he will forgive us?... for all our mistakes.
Did actually God promise us? To forgive our mistakes...?
I wonder why?.. is it useful to have people with remorse?! is it good for us human to forgive our mistakes, towards each other and ourselves?!
Is it useful to start over again?!... is it good or bad to be able to delete your mistake and start again...
Does it help people to change how they behave and not repeat the same mistakes again?.. Is it good to revenge when someone do a mistake to you?!... or to forgive and turn on a new page in the book of life?!...Should life be full of revenge or forgiveness?!... Is making a mistake is really in human nature?!.. is there any human gone through life for decades without mistakes?!.. Can we correct our mistakes by starting a new chapter in that book of life!? ...I wonder how is the book of life will look like without mistakes?!... Is remorse healthy feeling to open a new door in life ?!...Is repent, effectively the first step towards new, better life?!... I think that’s why God made us human try to ask for forgiveness, because if he can forgive all of us, why can't we forgive each other?!... you don't have to love your enemy by greeting him all the time, you could love your enemy by help him to be a better person, because when you do that, you both win, as he become good to you and to himself, you will stop having pain from his side as an enemy , so it's a win win situation. Try to love your enemy, I know it’s hard, but just try , what can you lose in doing so.?!?Try to open new pages in the book of life, all the time, every day of your life.
It’s useful and very prosper, it's like a tree, growing up to the sky, and make life greener, very nice colour, imagine green everywhere..., Thank you, God for giving us a second chance to clear our sol, thank you for loving all of us, even we are weak and vulnerable most of the time of our life on earth with temptation and weakness. and we do make mistakes, but when we fall, we stand up again and be strong, just aiming to reach your forgiveness, thank you God for being our God.