Is it true??!. Can you actually do that to your mum??!.
No, I don't believe you it's not true. It cannot be possibly true, after all she's your mum, She's the reason you are exist on this Earth.
Precisely, that's why I decided me and my brother that she has to be exiled from the tribe.
But you don't really mean it, surely you don’t!?, as all tribes take care of the old people in the tribe, especially mums, I wonder is your decision really came from your heart or it just cold calculation of what you should do to have your independent free happy life. Do you at least have any remorse or regret for doing that to your mum?!
No, I don't, I really don't, as me, my father and my brother, has decided that she doesn't deserve to be looked after, because she's exiled, she has to be exiled from the tribe, that's a final decision, and in my heart I have no regret.
You mean she doesn't deserve respect or love or even taking care of?!
Yeah, exactly, that's what she deserves, do you know what!, I cannot even stand hearing her voice, I don't know why we should take care of the old people, when they become old!?we should just put them in exile, that's where they belong, the tribe should stay young and dependent without authoritarian or any interference from old out of date people.
But don't you realize, that old people have experience in life, they could add to your knowledge, especially your mum, because she loves you.
Oh, not really, it's just an excuse to use the love, to control our life, we should be free, look at my dad, he doesn't control my life, he let me do what I want, when I want. It doesn't mean he don't care. He just respects my opinion, while in the other hand, my mum never did, she never saw me as a person, she just wanted to control my life , and she always had one excuse, I do that for you, because I want to protect you from making mistakes or bad decision. Which may damage or ruin your life .
I love you and I care for you, what a lame excuse, I am so happy, she's finally exile. Now, I can breathe, without seeing her, or hearing her voice ,or even smelling her in the place .I'm in a much better place, now, I'm free. She's no longer in my life .I don't even need to hear Her voice.
I'm sorry to tell you, that what you feel, is a little-bit extreme. In all tribes, all societies, and all nations , we never abandon the old people, when they become old. Only because they are old!, and not useful to us anymore, remember, they have experience, they have love , and we should always respect them. I'm so sad that your decision is exile. Too strong, too extreme and inhumane. We are human, we always look after our parents. Especially, our mum. After all- she is the reason we are exist. Even in the animal kingdom, they take-care of their mums.