We always need to make peace with ourselves, with people surrounding us, with every piece in the universe, to make our soul happy and calm, which will have big impact on how we deal with day-to-day life issues. My late father-God bless his soul, I hope he's in a better place now, he was temper violent man at home, we were so scared of him, that we were not able sometimes to express how we feel or even talk in the dinner table. Later on in life I realised he was just releasing the pressure that he couldn't manage in personal level. When I was 12 years old, finally my mom insists on divorce after the final conflict she had was my father. When my young sister born, 19 81, my father promised my mom he will never hit her again. He honoured his promise, till my sister became 5, then there was the ultimate incident, he lost his temper badly, as a result separation happened. I was young I was full of energy and I was so happy that I don't have to be scared of him anymore. Sadly, my mother had to send us back to him, me, my brother, and my sister, to live with him in his parents’ house, as he refuse to give her the adequate alimony to support us, he put a condition that she has to come back to him. Life goes on, and he got married and my mother is the same. When she was in hospital, terminally ill in 2021, my father cried at her door at the hospital, he apologise to my sister and my brother, for being angry, violent towards us as kids, as he used to hit us when we were kids, me and my brother not my young sister though, as he made a promise, to try to control his temper. He admitted he always loved my mom, and he wish he could have made peace or reconciliation, or being able to say sorry to her before she's gone. I was not around as we had COVID-19 restriction to travel, and I couldn't travel to bury my mom. So after 40 years reconciliation happened, even between him and himself, he wanted to say sorry but he couldn't, he felt regret, he felt he didn't need to treat us the way he did, but it was too late to fix 40 years of his life, I wish we human realise soon enough, early enough that making peace is very therapeutic to our soul. Six months after that my father passed away. I think when we are young and strong, we believe we control the world, it's not true, you cannot always control how you feel, or  how you react, but definitely the best way to release pressure is not to be angry at someone else. Talking, making peace, expressing what you feel, demonstrate self-confident and inner self power to fix your life. Making peace, it brings happiness and harmony to your life. When you hold your hand, and you go to the person you have conflict with, and you say, hey, let's talk ,making peace and try to overcome the past, the pain the mistakes, and try to remember the joy and happy moment. It could be a lovely meal, it could be a hug, it could be a smile in a rainy day. Any small memory bringing peace to your soul, will enrich your life and make you go in peace. Don't hold back on bad memory and keep having them in your head, as it doesn't not make you stronger, it make you bitter, sad, envy person, be positive about what you see, what you feel, and what you remember. Talk about the conflicts, with one goal in mind, to resolve them, and move on. Life is too short we cannot always keep our promises 100% in life. Circumstances happen and as long as we have each other we can let go of the pain after we release the pressure. The picture of my father crying in the floor, at the door of my mom's room in hospital, made me realise, that he really meant it when he said sorry to my brother and my sister, when he said he always loved my mom, made me see that if she was around he probably would have tried to make peace, even after 40 years. If you have someone in your life now, that you're angry at, or you are hurt by him, or you cannot see positivity and harmony in your relation with him, just try to make peace, speak out, express your feelings, your ideas, and your opinion. Not talking, not telling your story, will build up pressure inside you. That pressure inside you, will definitely stop you from feeling happy, or enjoy life, or be strong to face the future. Don't leave everything till the last moment, as life is really too short to hold back. We can enjoy, we can prosper, we can fall, and we stand up again. That's how we humane managed to remain on earth for so long.
