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Adam & Eve, Relationships love, hate, compromise

Writer's picture: AmalAmal


Human-being always had different perspective towards relationships,  when Adam came to earth he was sad, he was lonely, so God gave him Eve. When he saw her, he was happy, she fulfilled his loneliness, and she gave him the desire to build and the desire to have family.

 She made him want to do more, build a house as nicely as possible, to make her happy, so she can eventually, make him happy.

What can we actually now, in this modern life say, that being happy with your other half is that simple???. Can we actually say, that when you bring two people together, and you tell them to live and engage with each other, and want him and yourself to become one??  is that really possible??  can you make two people become one??. I wonder?!!!.

 When God made rules for two people to be together, it was maid to protect the family, and the unit of husband, wife and kids.

 Now we have, man made rules, added more protection, security, for the two to live in harmony, and if they want to break up their relation?? they can do intermediate family therapy, other methods, and in the end, they just if they decide, they go separate way.

 When the relations starts, you have the love, the need, the desire to build a family, same as Adam and Eve. When they start to live with each other, each one want to make his partner happy, comfort and safe.

  Modern life is not simple as that, we became stressful, we became like rabbits, running in a race, and we never win the race.

 We want to have safety, economically, and emotionally, so the relation between the two have changed for good.

 Have you ever heard the concept, that men is from Venus and women is from Mars?, or the other way around, can’t remember.

It is true, when a man in a relation, he just want to relief his stress, when a woman is in relation, she want more, she want to progress, and build, and feel emotionally desired.

In my humble opinion, the most important part in the relation for the man is intimacy, that’s what keep him going, or loving his woman, or his family, or compromise to make life going.

 For a woman is different, she has different needs, she look to the relationship differently from the man. She want a family growing in a different way. Intimacy for a woman, is a hug, is a kiss, is a look in the eye, is a flower. Some women want more than that, such as, a present, or a dress, something nice to happen.  So intimacy is the most important key, between a man and a woman, to keep the relation alive.

 When you fail to be successful in the intimacy part, the love fade away, and the respect deteriorate between the two.

The key question is, how far you can go when you lose your intimacy, or your love, or your respect for your partner???!!!

If you see your partner, as your enemy, how far you can go???!!!, in making him pay the price, for rejections, falling out of love, or falling out of respect, or the desire to walk away from the relation???!!!.

Can you actually, if you go in a separate way, still become friends???!!!, can the concept of being a family remain, or exists ???!!! if you go separate way.

What about the kids???!!! do they understand, what it is it mean for men to be from Mars and women are from Venus.

The needs of the intimacy, it is the main key for a successful relation between man and a woman.

 Is constantly living in separate rooms, make the couple have kind of separate lives???!!!. I wonder.

 If they economically, cannot rely on each other, dose the love, the respect, the desire, dies???!!!

It's very hard to feel safe, and desired and unloved in the same time. If the two cannot compromise, life became so complicated from that lovely moment when Adam and Eve met each other. and he was happy to see her for the first time.

 Adam and Eve now changed, they have different needs, and when the two come from different culture, and you put them together, each one of them have different story, different history, different pain in his life.

 Then you ask the two to live with each other, permanently, love each other, respect each other, and fulfils the intimacy.

 Here comes the sad part, the needs, which are different from man to woman, the timing of that needs, and the outcome of that needs to be fulfilled.

Sometimes it's an obligations, sometimes it come naturally, sometimes it just the feeling of loved, or being needed or desired, but definitely intimacy, is the key of a successful marriage,  or two people living together, and building their house, not only the walls, the house of love, the family, the need, the respect, and the fulfilment, are the three elements, for making a couple successful.

Here come the sad part, when the rejection happened, and the needs are not fulfilled, and it goes for so long, they both go separate way, trying to look for another Adam, or another Eve, to fulfil their needs.  Then we start the vicious circle again, because human being only think of, fulfil their needs,  they don't think of the other partner, how he see that needs ,and how he can make it work.  

Is it possible for that needs to be fulfilled without compromise???!!! or without thinking what your partner wants from you?, the answer is simple, they need to be in a very high level of understanding, to fulfil their needs.  

Two people are definitely different, you cannot bring them together, and say they become one, because they will remain two people, but life goes on, and obligation is fulfilled, and the love dies, eventually they just go separate ways.

You still can see that the remaining of these two people, it depends on how far the rejections, and the not fulfilling the needs happened, they still seek conclusion for the story.

They both want to understand,!!! Oh, is it me???!!! what had happened???!!!, there was passion, there was love, when we started the relationship, what went wrong??? Is it me or my partner???.  Did I gut old? Did I became fat? does my partner do love me anymore? do I need to change? do I need to perform better? how can I make it successful,?.

There is no one on earth, can tell you how to make your relation successful, only you and your partner can make it work.  Then comes the ugly part, the pride, the busy life, of providing for the kids, or the family, and the stressful life outside the house.  So when they meet at home, they just clash, they cannot work their differences, and when the intimacy is not successful, the respect goes away, and the love fly from the window like the wind .

It Is like you just opened the window, and the love goes away, so what's really left in the relationship, maybe memories, happy moment, sad moments, compassion moments.

Can you actually hold your partner hand and say, hey, do you remember the first day we met? do you remember the first kiss and the first hug, was it worth it all away, that we just running for money and living?,  and we forgot all about me and you.

 what is really love for a man or a woman???!!!.

What is the meaning of holding Someone hand, when he is vulnerable???!!!.

There is another key point in any relationship, who is the boss? the biggest conflict between the new modern Adam and Eve, is I am the boss, you are the boss, who take decisions?, can we be like governments and Prime Minister, can we share decisions, what happened when the decisions are wrong?? what happen when we make mistakes?  what happened to us as two Adam and Eve. Want to succeed in making each other happy, can it work?? can we fix our life??!!!?.

 Sadly, in most cases people cannot let go of their ego, or feeling, me always right, you are always wrong, or no room for compromising, to make the boat safely reach the beach.

In every ship you have one captain, and you have assistant, if the rules are mixed, and you don’t know anymore who’s the captain, and who is assistant, and decision being made wrongly can we actually go back and fix things???!!!.

No, sadly we don't have a time machine, you need a very strong, confident build character, of Adam and Eve to work out the differences.

Most of us, human being cannot forgive, cannot love one another, if we don't get back the same amount of love from your partner, that's why you have a high divorce rate, and that's why when the separation happened, people become enemies. They only remember the bad moments, they don't remember, when one was sick and the other one, brought him a glass of water, and a medicine, to help him get better.

We human, see clearly the bad, the defaults, and we cannot bring sunshine to our relationships.

 I’m not saying all Adam and Eve like that but in the modern life in the last 50 years, there was more abuse, than successful relationship, women abuse men, and men abuse women, and it's very hard after you have pain that you delete that pain, only a very successful, strong, wise character, can delete the pain, and open a new page, in the book of Adam and Eve.

It’s very important to have new pages all the time, and write happy thoughts in that page, forgive, and fix the mistakes, and raise above your inside feelings, for revenge.

Look at it that way, any hate, any revenge, it's a demon feeling, it’s Satan successful to break between Adam and Eve, any loves, any kindness, any forgiveness, will definitely worth it. Don't hold back on your anger on your envy, do not keep your heart full with black dots , it is not worth it, life is too short , to keep only hate for your partner in your life..

It's like the difference between positive and negative.

Being positive, make your life flourish, being negative and hateful will only create disrespect, dis-value for your partner and will never make it work, that's why love is needed, that's why respect is needed, that's why when we compromise, we can try again to respect each other, and hold each other hand, till the end.

This is a question for my group, or members, in my website, do you think it's possible???!!! do you think when two people cause each other pain, and humiliation, and dis-value each other, dis-love each other, do you think they can hold each other hand again???!!!.

Or, once Adam and Eve goes in a separate way, it's impossible for them to do any reconciliations, I wonder???!!!.

 I look forward to hear from you, what's your point of view, about relationships, between Adam and Eve.

And how much they can love, and forgive each other, is intimacy key point in relationships? is being old not possible for the intimacy to be fulfilled? is caring or loving ourself and our partner, positive feeling? to exchange between Adam and Eve??

 I look forward to hear your answer.


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