She was a star in her own sky. she was full of energy and love for the see, the sand and the light of the sun. she had love for everything around her. She has never changed since she was a kid till she became old woman she still have the spirit of smiling and making everybody happy around her.
She was looking to be loved all her life, till she made the wrong choice, when she choose him to spend her life with her, to be the father of her children, she made a mistake, wasted her life, just to look after her children. She thought he loved her, but he didn't. She was wrong, thinking that what comes from the heart reaches the heart.
Now she needs to be strong, she needs to survive, she need to have the power to move away from remembering the years she lost on him.
She believed being a mother, is the most noble task a woman could do in life, she was wrong, the children followed the step of the Dad, and when they became young and strong, don't need her anymore, they stepped on her, they walk away, not looking back at their mom.
She mistakenly thought what come from the heart should reach the heart, she was wrong, if the people's heart is dead, they don't feel the love you give them, you just waste your life, but we still can wait for the sun to rise again and give her light.
She is trying to be strong, she keep believing that may be her children will see the light, and come back to see her, hold her hand again, maybe she's naïve as her daughter used to call her, maybe she's stupid as her ex-husband used to believe about her, but she still loves her kids, she just made a mistake choosing the wrong man, to be her partner for life, as he had no respect or love for her, she just didn't want to believe it, because she loved him. Sometimes I wonder, is it better for life to pass without us feeling love for someone else, does love can hurt someone, damage his life if he choose the wrong one to love?
We should not feel missing what we need, we should just enjoy what we have , because everything will go away in the end and we die.