I just wonder, do you still see me?... how could you see me And you don’t hear my voice and you don’t look in my eyes, or no how I look like any more,... do you still see me I wonder,... do you still feel my love for you? do you see the pain in my heart when I cry thinking how could you not see me, am I invisible?.... am I a shadow?... am I nobody on earth?... Do you still see me I wonder?... when you wake up every morning and go to your day-to-day life, do you still see my face? Or I am just a memory, faded away from your journal or diary?... do you still see me?... or I am no longer a person or my existence means nothing to you anymore?... do you still see me?... am I still alive or I am a shadow crossing your mind sometimes?... do you still hear my heart beating from pain not knowing how you are?... do you still see me or I am finished to you, as a person with no value in your life?...are those people were right all the time, that money is everything in life? and love means nothing in people's heart anymore?... is it possible that I am so so wrong in everything I have learnt in my life? For the last decades?... do you still see me as an image or as a soul lost in life or just being alone is my destiny?... do you still see me I wonder?