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Disrespect , Disvalue, Disappreciation

Writer's picture: AmalAmal

We human are very powerful creature without realising, that what we say or do to each other, can change the life of someone forever. We are capable of doing too much wonder to each other, one simple word or a sentence, or random act of kindness could lift the spirit up for a person or change his life for the good. Quoting a very special poet Maya Angelou:” you may not control all the events that happened to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

Very simple yet powerful phrase which can increase energy, spiritual, and moral effort in any person, who try to lift himself up. My daughter is a very special young woman, the best years of her life was the hardest ones, is between age 14 and 19, she had a very hi since of justice, and defending the vulnerable. As she choose subject law, which had increase her awareness of defending a person who cannot defend himself. She used to stand up in her class to defend a girl who cannot talk back or being bullied by other members in the school. She dared to challenge speak up her opinion, an express the right things to do for each person around her, yet this was not acceptable by the authority in the school. One day she came from school, and she said to me not to attend parents meeting, as I am Egyptian and she think that my English is not that perfect to attend, and she prefer her dad to be present in the parents meeting, as he is English native. I accepted my daughter decision, as I trusted her judgement and her opinion, and at the time her dad always made me feel my English is not that great, when it comes to communications, and interacting with the teachers in the parents meeting. I'm not going to lie here I did feel a little bit offended, but I thought the right thing to do is to listen to my daughter opinion, as she always , tried to protect me or saving me from being embarrassed in any situation. The last six months of high school I have not attended any of the parents meetings, I was just occupied by being a taxi driver, night shift from 4:00 PM till 3:00 AM every night every day of the week. One day my special daughter came from school, and she said:” mom, we don't belong here”, I said to her:” what do you mean we don't belong here”, she looked me in the eye and she said “ I don't think we belong here”, I said to her, yes, you are most probably right, we don't belong here, but we try, we always try, we have to keep trying, your father is English, you and your brother, born here, so technically you are English. I know you see me as a Egyptian mother, but we still try to fit in, and blend ourself with the culture, according to what we can, what we believe, and what we are capable of achieving. As long as you respect everyone, and you acknowledge that possibly they are different from you, we humans do not need to match each other, all humans are different. In the way we speak, in the way we have social behaviour. In the way we interact we are capable of belonging here. In my English passport celebration, I have sworn to protect the queen, and owner her, serve her, the best I can. That day, technically I became English. I tried to honour my oath, I try to honour that I swear to serve the queen. And Britain was the government in Egypt for 75 years before our king left Egypt and we became a Republic. So we had English culture government for decades. We still have our special culture, but as we live here, we can blend in, and try to belong here. My daughter refused to tell me why she said that sentence. Apparently something happened in school, and probably a teacher or student made her feel she doesn't belong here. It was very hurtful for me that I couldn't help her, and she didn't elaborate further to let me know what they told her in school, to make her feel that way. Still, she remain, cheerful, helpful, very talented, smart young woman, who try to flourish at school. I used to admire her outfit, her thoughts, her taste of closing, fashion, beauty. Everything around her, indicates how smart she is, but sadly, the school didn't see that. I felt I have let her down, by being born in a different culture.

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