He was smart, kind, intelligent, and he was the master of the game. Very good observer, of everything around him, very good listener, for everyone around him. He was passionate about the game as it was everything in his life, he is the master of the game, at all times.
He was quiet, passionate, about what he like, yet he was very good listener, for everything happened around him. When he look you in the eye, he can see through, he feel what people want, and he avoid conflicts, in any shape or form, all the time at any cost.
He used to minimise the pain, as much possible as he can, when he can. He didn't like to get involved, he avoid having any role, or a place to decide, he did not want to take decisions, for anyone around him, especially if they are in conflict, arguments, or misunderstanding. Why should I fight if I know I can lose, I don't like losing, if I hit someone bullying me, and I know he's stronger than me, he will hit me harder, what's the point, that's not smart, that's not wise.
By logic, by the rules of the tribe, he was the master of the game. One day he decided to leave everything behind him, he decided not to look back, nor to have any remorse, for what he missed in his life, he just move on, or maybe they made him feel that way.
He decided to be hard as he can be, and now he is gone. He is gone without looking back, he just walked away from the room, leaving everything behind, he never really cared that much, anyway. He didn't know how to care, he was sweet, talented, trying to do the best he can, he pleased his friends, just to keep them around him, he enjoyed his friends company, as they fulfil a big place in his life, and replaced the need of someone to take care of him. He was true Cactus, as hard as you can get them, that is what he became. But inside his heart, he just needed that soft cushion to hug. When he is gone to sleep he did like that soft touch. May be it was comfort or replacement for someone in his life.
He couldn't see more than that, or that was his choice towards the end of the story. He did not hold the hand of the vulnerable, he standed in court with the strongest, and he left the weak to walk away, he didn't even look, he didn't think, maybe that person need help, maybe he's not capable to stand alone. That day there was no maybes for him, he just decided to let go of everything he cared about, or maybe he didn't know what to do. He didn't try to help, he decided to ignore, he was a master of the game, and now he is gone.
Life is shocking sometimes, when we look back, we cannot bring the time back to serve our purposes, or needs, as we don’t have a time machine, even if we try, he's already gone, and he will never come back.
We just look at a picture of him, and pray that he's safe, and happy. He didn't even say goodbye, he didn't say goodbye, that is a true cactus, as hard as you can get them.
