Some people come to Earth and leave without a trace, I always thought it's very important to hold someone hand and show him the light, We could do the by help them in personal level, general level or just to take them to the light of God through pray.
God is the real light for Earth, we can see that in everything we do, we could prosper and achieve, It's not easy to put your thoughts and prospective into actions.
Sometimes people listen, sometimes they ignore. The most successful step in someone's life is when he open his heart and try to give, It's not easy to overcome the pain but it's very important for the soul to reach the light.
If only people know how short life is, and you should not leave without a trace,
We should leave a mark on earth and this mark should be positive and prosper because it's like a tree and it will grow all the way UP 2 the sky and give us a chance for a bitter live and maybe we can see God in the afterlife.
Written by Amal Hassan
Family chat is productive, positive and therapeutic. Simple talk about pain in family relationships, miscommunications and misunderstanding, but love and respect should win in the end.