I hear the call, I come to the meeting, five times a day I have a very special appointment with the creator of earth. You might not believe me, you might not feel the same, but when I wash my face, and my hand, and I put a nice dress, I stand up and pray. I feel I talk to God, maybe I am nobody on earth, or to the people around me, but I am somebody to God. When I pray, I talk from the heart, I imagine he can see me, I believe he can hear me. Sometimes I wish he hold my hand, and he say to me do not be scared, everything is going to be all right. We human have managed to survive on earth for millions of years. Dinosaurs are gone, big animals are gone, powerful creature have disappeared, it's not about being big or being strong, it's about being human with a brain to think, with a brain to feel, and scan everything around you, and finally print the outcome in a positive way. And try to delete the mistakes, the bad things that some of us managed to put on earth. We human still here for a special reason, I believe because God made all the keys to power in our machine, technically I mean, our body, our soul, our brain, these three elements contain the power to reboot the system, or rejuvenate, restart, and we all have the reset button. You just need to learn where is your on and off switch, so with everything is so hard, when you feel there is no hope, just press the switch off button. Hold back a little bit, reflect, engage, and think again, what possibly have gone wrong. Can I start again, yes you can. Do you remember that short video of Mr. Obama, president of United States, when he said” yes we can”, it is a statement of power, positivity and hope for tomorrow, that we can be better, it is full of energy, full of joy, full of power. I really believe that we can. Then try to go and find your switch on button again, apologise to the people you hurt, forgive the people who hurt you, and open a new page all the time. In the book of life, you need to write so many pages, from the day you can write till the day you go back to the creator. Even if you don't think you are going back to him, he gave you the power to believe in yourself, to acknowledge your capability, your power, your energy. He supplied you with the elements to survive, then you're going to say to me what about my pain, can I have only joy, why do I need to feel pain?. The answer is simple, yet complicated. Pain make you stronger, make you appreciate the happy moments, and make you create positivity on earth. Without feeling pain, I don't think you will be able to appreciate life, or see the beauty in a flower, or enjoy the warmth of the sun when it shine, or reflect on the sound of the rain when it comes down to earth, after a hot day, you can see the water of the rain made everything green the following day, made the trees happy, and made thirsty animals drink, and make us human have more fresh water on earth. It is really very simple picture, but it is so powerful that it could make you rejuvenate, rebuild your inner self. Some people, deal with the pain in different ways, some people cannot face their pain, and some people surrender themselves to the pain.
Don't give up, it's OK to surrender sometimes, but don't make it for too long. You need to lift yourself up, and ask the creator of all of us human, to hold your hand, God is the light of earth, he made everything possible for human to be the best version of themselves, to try to learn, face conflicts with our demons, desires, and be passion about love and peace. Being in harmony was nature, being in harmony with people, holding the hand of the vulnerable, make you stronger. I have met this child, who cannot walk, she was a teenager, but she gave me so much positive energy, she made me realise, I need to open my eye to see my power and my inner self. She made me believe it's never too late to try to be strong, to overcome my fear, stand up again. She was 19 years old, yet she has the wisdom off an experience person. She said to me look around you, you will see God shining his light in everything around us, she said to me try to appreciate the things you have. And as God said in the holy book don't miss what you couldn't have, just enjoy why you already have.
Maybe God will give me a new door in life, to be able to light a candle before I go. Being positive, is powerful strong action, you cannot imagine that (+) in your keyboard, when you type it, if you are able to implement it in your real life, and you see everyone as a (+), you can ignore the minus signs, or at least try not to see them as much. you could smile from your heart, you can make your soul in peace till it go back to God.
Your soul is the key of controlling your brain, your body, and your actions. It's OK if sometimes you were selfish, ignorant or naïve. Tomorrow have always better place for you somewhere, somehow, somewhat.
Just try to open new page in the book of life, new page means new title, new layout, and big smile in the end of it. Hopefully, this message reach someone and make something out of it. Small little things can lead to big things happen. It's a great power inside-of all of us human while we remain on earth till we gone. We can pave the way for new generation to be happier, stronger, and eras the mistakes that we left on earth, with a positive, peaceful mark, with energy, and grace to the creator of all of us.
