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The Piano

Writer's picture: AmalAmal

I salute all teenagers, they cannot change the world, but they try in their own way to comprehend or accept

She came one day from school and said mom, can I take piano lessons? My heart jumped out of joy, my dream since I was eight years old is to learn how to play the piano. And after 35 years my daughter fulfil my dream, by having a desire to play the piano. She start taking lessons in school, she even applied for GCSE in music- piano. In her first concert playing in public, was a school event, and I cried in the audience because I saw that my daughter is really talented. Her music teacher told me she's smart, she can read the notes, and if she do practise she can be pianist in the future. Sadly the school broke my daughter's heart, by cancelling music class, because there is no enough students, and the teacher moved out of the school, she came from school said to me, mom, it's like breaking up with your boyfriend. She didn't touch the piano  I have got for her in her room for weeks. Then few months after that, the smart, witty, talented, young musician, moved away from listening to these nice pieces online. She stopped trying to write notes, and she didn't play the piano in her room. As she was pressured, to just concentrate on her GCSE. It looks like sad story, but this article talks about why schools take decisions, can sometimes have big impact on teenagers life. As huge as it leave a mark, on their personality. Playing instrument in school is therapeutic, is fulfilling for teenager, to use your time in a wise way, and express their feeling in something they really like. If education system only see kids as a box of receiving  information,  that means we neglect the talented part.

 I tried to offer outside classes, or changing the school, but it was too late to fix the damage. The first time I heard my daughter playing piano in her room, it was very special moment in my heart. I actually cried in my room, thinking if only my parents invested in me. I could have been somewhere else now. In my taxi job, I used to cross by “London Royal College of music”. Every time I looked at the building, and I think if I can only persuade my daughter, to come back and practise her talent, we can possibly heal the damage. Teenagers always look for ways to express themselves, it's very hard to find your way in life, if you don't have a proper support from education system. And someone who understand you. Even if  your parents economically, not able, but they still can hold your hand and help you find your way in life. At the time, I had the feeling that I failed my daughter, she stayed in her room for weeks, and I couldn't help her. It was really hard time for me, to try to understand the system. The piano still sits in my daughter room, accumulating dust, and the hobby didn't go away, it just being postponed till my daughter mature enough, to achieve her goals, or that's what I hope. Don't ever lose hope, always think that one day, you could come back and fix your pain, or deal with It.

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