All my life since I was six years old, I always wanted to achieve remarkable work, my first building blocks toy was Meccano, which a toy I used to play with from 6 to 8 years old with my brother. It was really for me outstanding building block. I had a big Swiss chocolate as a reward from my Late Uncle, May God bless his soul he was completely different character from my father. When I finished primary school, I was 12 going to Prep school for another 3 years. I fall in love in two subjects, mathematics, including (Engineering, Algebra) and physics, but in the meantime I loved learning English and French. Every time I raise my hand to answer a question an I see the teacher praising me or asking students to clap for me I felt overwhelmingly happy and confident. I am probably the only student who loved going to school, escaping from the violent toxic atmosphere at my home. I remember clearly, every year since I was 6 till I was 12, which is the end of primary education, and be ready for secondary school, I used to receive the books two weeks before school introduction day, and I used to read literally all the books, making summary and notes, and memorise the important parts of the contents in my head. So literally when I went to school studying was like a piece of cake for me. I loved being at the school, I can play, I can laugh, I can win, I can talk, I just did not want to come back home. As I know I have to meet with my father, he was a head teacher of geography, history, and he teaches English, don't get me wrong, I still loved my father, but I was so scared of him, as he used to test all of us in dinner table, and his punishment was a little bit extreme, if you get your answers wrong. Later on in life I understood, or forgave him, because maybe that's his way of teaching us to be good students, and to succeed in life, but I didn't like the method that he used against me and my brother. Secondary school was a very hard choice, I had to choose between Literature, and science, because that was the system at the time in my country. You have to choose either (Mathematics, Physics, Biology) or Languages, Arts, and history and so on. So I have chosen Literature, because I was really fond of learning new languages, to be able to travel and see the world, like my uncle. He was the head of the National swimming team of my country at the time. I always thought, later on in life, I could go back and study mathematic and computing, once I graduate from university. According to my grade in high school I went to faculty of Arts & Literature. Still had this urge, inside me to go back and study Computer, I have travelled to Spain, united kingdom Germany, whin I was just 19 years old. Which was very bold, daring move, from someone in my culture, and how people look at young women in general, but I did not care. I really wanted to achieve everything at once. But sadly I have failed to be successful in personal level, and I couldn’t have the power to be super successful in practical level either. Still having the power to shake it all off, and start my new career at the age of 56 , I have started my first computer programming course in2024. Hoping I can hear the clapping from my teacher, and fellow student, if I can achieve, reasonable grade. My long term goal now is to open software programming company for my son, as he is good in writing Python codes for his gaming projects, and I believe, maybe the future will be different for me and him.
I hope I could make him see, that life can always give you a second chance, his sister is very talented young woman, she's 22 she wants to be interior designer, and I believe her best talent is in art, music, and media, maybe she can design our first office, if we can communicate correctly. Life is too short and I cannot believe I'm trying to start that late but as Denzel Washington American actor say “ it's never too late”. I'm going to quote, inspiring poet from Maya Angelou Poet “you may not control all the events that happen to you but you can decide not to be reduced by them”. {Inspiring} in the Cambridge dictionary means,” to make someone feel, that they want to do something and they can do it, or to make someone have a practical strong feeling, or reaction, on how to achieve his goal. On the other hand,{ empower} meaning is, to give someone official authority, or the freedom, to do something. Do you think I have the power to inspire my kids?, do you think I could achieve? or leave something for them, to remember me before I am gone. Will my kids ever talk to me again, I wonder!!
