In life, we face moments when we need to take a decision, or enter new phase or make the right choice. Best way around these moments, is to listen to your heart, you cannot always rely on the mind. 99% of the time, listening to your heart is a very wise choice. The creator of all of us, give us all the tools inside our soul, to survive, to evolve, to improve ourselves, and all we need is to produce, the best version of being human, ethically and consciously, on how we treat others, and how to overcome the pain. How you want others to treat us. today we have very interesting story, little bit of drama, but hopefully, happy ending . A judge and a lawyer discussion, in the back of a taxi driver, surprisingly the lawyer said:” why couldn't you help her?” and the judge said I couldn’t, she give up all her rights in court, just to walk away from her marriage, so I couldn’t possibly help her, I’ve never met such a case in my whole life, my problem is, that man 20 years ago, have sworn on his owner to protect that woman , he had sworn in God’s Holy book, that he will be honest in taken care of this woman”, oh please Sir, don't tell me by putting her in the street, when she's an old person, with no family, no protection, no income, is fulfilling his oath to God, 20 years ago. “That’s why I’m telling you, the judge said “today I’ve discovered, in my 20 years being a family judge, that some people can be the **** of the earth”. In the past we couldn't do that to women, specially when they are approaching the end, with no one to support no income, he does not allow her to communicate or see her daughter or son.
I couldn’t even give her alimony, as she refused any money from him, also, she give up all her rights in court, just to walk away from the marriage. That was the hardest case, I had to let go, but I looked in the man’s eyes, to find any decency, couldn't find any, he's OK to leave his wife being in the street, and his family approved it, as they never liked her, they never thought she should be his wife. The lawyer said, but the children are 19 and17 , that's a suitable age to take care of that woman. No, not really, the children made a choice, security is better safer choice than love, shocking.
Their mom doesn't have income, she's going to be in the street, so they choose security over love, or care. That's what happened when a woman make her own choice, to choose a man to spend the rest of her life with. As a lawyer, is there anything I could possibly do, It’s not about economic support, it’s about family, kids and their Mum, relationships, it is very important to reinstate their family relationships, even from moral points of view, maybe they can do family therapy, or even meeting once a week, any family visitation, or that's it, the family is dead and the mother has no second chance to enter her kids life, just because she was not successful as a wife to that man. I’m surprised that a man could do that, in real life to a woman, and he looked at her in court, and he just walk away, with his son. The son didn’t even hold his mother hand, I have never seen a boy, standing in court, and leave his mom walk away, without thinking twice, hey, hold on for a moment, she is my mom.
Added to the lawyer, the judge said “in the end we human, should attempt, at least, or try to improve our moral, our conscience and the way we treat each other”. When the marriage broke, or cannot be complete, we still can be human to each other, he doesn't even let her have her kids address, can you imagine a father do that to his kids?, he does not encouraged them to speak to their Mother, he doesn't even tell the daughter to just say hi to her mom on the phone, or answer her in an e-mail, cruelty in the best shape and form. You cannot cut relations between kids and their mother, just to reflect some envy or hate. love is much better feeling than revenge. Of course the man doesn't see it that way, probably if she had money he would have allowed the kids to contact her. But I don’t know how he face himself in the mirror, as a loving , caring father, knowing that he does not encourage the girl or the boy, to see their mom, or contact her at all, even if the kids are 21 years old, and they prefer to have their independence from moms authority, the father has a role, in his kids life as a man, is to encourage reconciliation and peace between a mother and her kids, that is the real true meaning of being a father, who care about the wellbeing of his kids. Making peace and love between family is the highest goal for a father. Mother relations and her kids needs nourish, respect and positive approach, gently, kindly and gradually, we can all succeed. It's the most decent way a father could think of his kids future. Sadly, in this case the father looked away from doing the right thing, believing that if the daughter or the son decide to walk away, not speak to their mother, that's fine, they can be healthy and happy as a society member, as a matter fact they cannot be, unless they are able to make peace to their own mother, by expressing their feelings, opinions, and to be heard, and show their true emotions, so they can start new beginnings in life, and be able to feel much better towards society and towards themselves.
Good things take time to unravel but those who stay strong will recieve the reward they deserve.Stay patient and pray and everything will be fine .